Meet Karyl D.
Born and raised in Visalia, California, Karyl D. was the only child of her parents. When she was two, her parents divorced, and her mother moved them to her parents’ home. Karyl spent much time at church, which became the foundation of her life as a Christian.

Karyl believes the Lord blessed her with the gift of teaching and singing. Throughout school, she was in choir and various music programs. She dabbled in piano as a child, but you tend to lose it if you do not use it. Karyl had a great music teacher who worked with her in high school, enabling her to sing solos. One of the girls in the school’s orchestra also taught her to read music.
Enjoying Summer Break
She spent part of the summer with her father’s mother in Exeter, California. Karyl’s grandmother had a dress shop, and as she got older, she helped by getting the dresses ready for sale. However, as a child, her favorite part of the summer was going to the local grade school, where they had various games, dancing, and sandscapes.
Coming Into Her Own
Before meeting her husband, Karyl worked three different jobs. Her first job was at a metal ball company in El Segundo, California, where she did solder work and twirled metal beads into a jar. She
worked another job where she would assemble the frames for privacy screens. At her last job, Karyl created frames for window shades.
During this time, she and her roommate, Joyce, shared a room they rented from a lady and her husband. The lady worked on wedding dresses and reasonably charged them for rent. They called her husband “Pop,” and he worked for a rocket company in Long Beach, California. Most of what he was working on was classified, but she did get to see some photos of what he was working on.
The Man She Would Marry
After cashing her paycheck one afternoon, she ran into a young fellow named Clive on the street. The two started chatting, and he walked her home. They dated for a year, and Clive proposed marriage with his college pin in her backyard. She said yes, and six months later, on her birthday, he presented her with an engagement ring. Clive was attending school at Northrop College and had one year left. During that time, he worked as a draftsman on blueprints but changed his major to computers. He worked many jobs, including selling pots and pans door to door and working security for the Topanga Canyon Mall and local race cars.
Clive ultimately decided not to finish his schooling and instead applied to work at the telephone company. While working for the telephone company, he repaired the frames at various locations. They also provided him with schooling and training in Sacramento, California, and Ohio, which enabled him to use teletype and work on computers. In 1991, he retired after some health issues and knee problems.
Let's Start Moving
Karyl and Clive rented a one-bedroom in Inglewood, California, for two years after marriage. Then they moved to an apartment near Lawndale, California, and lived there for four years before moving to Downey, California. They bought a home that Clive’s real estate buddy found and lived there for 13 years. After having enough of the problems in their neighborhood, a billboard advertising homes in Wildomar, California, caught their eye. They drove there but could not find the houses, so they ended up in Perris. On their way back to Downey, they happened upon The Farm, the homes they initially tried to find. Three years later, they moved to Wildomar.
A Change Of Heart
Karyl and Clive always wanted to have children but never had any themselves. However, Karyl says she did not miss out because she babysat and always had friends with children. At first, it was hard, but she remembers talking to a neighbor who encouraged her to seek the Lord. So, Karyl went out to the backyard and conversed with Him. At the time, she
was doing Vacation Bible School with her church, and she remembers the Lord saying those kids are your children. After that, it did not bother her anymore.
Meeting Marilyn
While living in Wildomar, Karyl became fast friends with Marilyn, a neighbor. Their friendship created a lot of opportunities for travel with and without Clive. Having grown up in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Clive wanted to ensure Karyl traveled. They went on a few trips to Laughlin, Nevada, and Utah. Karyl and Marilyn also went on trips to Buck Owen’s Crystal Palace in Bakersfield, California, with Marilyn’s grandchildren, Deana and Timmy, and a cruise to Alaska and Idaho with Deana, to name a few.
Karyl served in a rest home ministry with her church. They would host the church programs. Mr. Day would play the guitar, his wife would play autoharp, and the three would sing. In addition to singing, Karyl also served as a gopher, and she would get the ladies whatever they needed.
Saying Goodbye to Clive
Karyl and Clive were married for 51 years before he passed away from prostate cancer. Dealing with the pain of losing her husband was hard on Karyl, especially considering having to go through all the various boxes of his things. She went through some alone, but Marilyn helped her by going through them for her and keeping the important stuff. Karyl coped by taking time to garden or color, which she still does. Whenever she needs time, she heads to our Americana Bar and colors various floral sheets with markers.
Marilyn is still a close friend of Karyl’s today. She handles Karyl’s paperwork, and her son helps Karyl with her phone. Marilyn was also instrumental in assisting Karyl in calling Renaissance Villages home. She helps Karyl with her appointments, taxes, and anything else she may need. Karyl appreciates the support from her friend. She loves having a lot more interaction and activities to participate in.
Making Others Feel Welcome
Whenever there are new residents, there’s always an adjustment period when they are getting used to the building, especially since the community is so large. Karyl likes to make new residents feel welcome and help in any way she can. For this reason, she and Diane O. have become such close friends. She also likes to play Rummikub with the other ladies or participate in the various exercise classes, especially when Britt leads Geri-Fit. Karyl’s love for music is evident in her enjoyment of our various music-based
activities. She enjoys it when Chuck and the other residents get together to listen to their favorite songs.
Karyl is celebrating her fourth year living at Renaissance Villages this year. Having lived here, she’s made many friends, some of whom live in our various villas. She enjoys the activities we offer that unite all the residents because she gets to spend time with her friends. This is also why the Alzheimer’s Association and participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s has become an important cause to support. Since moving into our community, she’s participated in and supported the fight against Alzheimer’s each year.