Don’t wait until you experience a devastating fall to start thinking about fall prevention. Discover what you can do, today, to prevent future falls.
Seniors are at an Increased Risk for Falls
Anyone, regardless of age, can fall. However, your risk of falling increases as you age. A look at some of the statistics from The Center for Disease Control shows how common falls are amongst seniors.
Some interesting statistics from The Center for Disease Control include:
- Emergency rooms treat approximately 3 million seniors for fall-related injuries every year
- One out of five seniors who fall will experience a serious injury such as a bone fracture or head injury
- One in four seniors fall every year. However, only about 50% of those who fall seek medical help or talk to their doctor about their fall.
- Approximately 95% of hip fractures are caused by some type of fall, usually a fall that involves falling in a sideways motion
- Number of deaths attributed to fall-related injuries in seniors increased by 30% between 2007 and 2016
Falling has a Devastating Effect on Seniors
Falling might seem like a simple accident, but for older adults it can be life changing. A single fall can cause serious injury that is not only painful, but limits mobility and makes it difficult to remain independent.
Even if a fall doesn’t result in an injury, it can still cause problems. Some seniors may start to limit their activities after a fall even if they aren’t injured because they are afraid of falling in the future. This causes them to experience difficulties living independently and may reduce their quality of life.
Common Fall Risks for Seniors
Falls can be caused by a number of things ranging from health problems to environmental factors. Some of the most common situations and conditions which are attributed to causing seniors to fall include:
- Vitamin deficiency – usually a deficiency in Vitamin D
- Lower body weakness caused by a lack of exercise or a health problem that may cause muscle atrophy
- Difficulty with balance or walking
- Taking certain types of medication – some prescription medication, over-the-counter medications and even supplements can cause fatigue, dizziness and other problems with balance which increases your risk of falling
- Wearing shoes that do not fit properly
- Experiencing foot pain
- Hazardous or dangerous conditions in the home – examples of conditions in the home that increase your fall risk include uneven rugs, cluttered floors, broken stairs, poorly lit areas and having loose wires and other objects on the floor
Seniors often have more than one risk factor which puts them at a greater risk for falling.
Fall Prevention Tips
Making certain changes and modifications can help reduce your risk of falling. Some things you can do to reduce or prevent falls include:
- Scheduling regular wellness screenings – this makes sure you are staying healthy and helps monitor any health problems or conditions that may increase your risk of falling
- Speak with a doctor about all medications and supplements to make sure there are no interactions
- Begin a basic exercise program that focuses on strength and balance
- Perform basic home improvements that improve the safety of your home and reduce your risk for falling – examples include installing grab bars near toilets and baths, using a shower chair, removing throw rugs, placing items in areas that are easy to reach and keep the floor clear of clutter
- Schedule regular vision wellness screenings – this can help identify any early vision problems which may increase your risk of falling
Prevent Falls with a Personalized Fall Prevention Program at Renaissance Villages
At Renaissance Village, we understand that every individual’s situation is unique when it comes to fall risks. Through our Falls Reduction Program with ONR TOUCH, we allow you to take a personalized approach to fall prevention.
We will work with you to identify your unique fall risks. Once fall risks are identified, we will create a personalized fall prevention program that is focused on providing education and fall prevention strategies that are relevant to your unique situation. Our Fall Prevention Programs at Renaissance Villages can include everything from help with exercises that increase strength and balance to providing help and resources for safety and home modifications or exploring various mobility fall reduction enhancements.
Contact us today to learn more about our TOUCH Falls Reduction Program and discover how it can help you reduce your risk of falling.