The fear of losing independence is a concern felt by seniors when it comes to senior assisted living programs. Yet, this is one fear that we’d like squash for anyone considering Renaissance Village as their home. This is not your ordinary senior living community. We place a strong focus on providing safety while empowering the independence of our residents.
Empowering Independence
Renaissance Village honors the independence of our residents. We treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve while supporting them when and where they need it. At Renaissance Villages, everything is resident-focused. This means we hear each resident’s concerns in all aspects of life at Renaissance Village.
Residents give their input on the food we serve, the activities we plan, the care we provide and more.
Our Renaissance Lifestyle helps residents maintain or regain their independence and gives them freedom. They can make their own friends, build a culture and have the choices of what they want to do each day.
When it comes to care and safety, we provide aid in a discreet fashion, which respects residents’ independence and privacy. Staff knock and wait for an invitation to come in before entering any resident’s apartment unless providing routine service. When it comes to paging for help in a manner that doesn’t diminish their independence or privacy.
Assistance with daily living is a partnership between staff and residents. We strive to provide residents with every opportunity to take part in the conversation when it comes to making decisions. We serve meals three times a day restaurant style and provide residents with delicious and nutritious options everyone can enjoy.
With the involvement of residents, we commit to creating an environment where residents can thrive in their independence. We strive to help all our residents maintain and improve their health and mobility. We are always thinking about new opportunities and activities for our residents to enjoy. Our senior care services offer several family resources at your disposal. With your help and input, Great Days Await at Renaissance Village.